The deadline to register a high-rise residential building with the Building Safety regulator (BSR) is 1st October 2023. It will be a criminal offence if you have not registered an occupied building by 11:59 on 30th September.If you haven’t already started your application to register your buildings, time is running out.
Apply to register a high-rise building online.
The HSE is continuing to hold a series of registration clinics to help individuals or organisations that have started an application but have yet to complete it. If you register to attend one of the clinics, you will join a small group of other Accountable or Principle Accountable Persons (APs & PAPs). You can ask your questions to an expert on the registration process and get practical help to complete your application.
You can register to join a clinic on the HSE registration page.
Did you know?
HSE continuing to update the Did You Know? section on its campaigns microsite. This now includes some of the questions and issues being raised in the registration webinars and clinics. If you are still having issues with using the service you can contact the team directly using HSE’s contact form.